Main Office: 1616 E Wooster St Unit #3 Bowling Green, Ohio 43402
Columbus Office: 64 Dillmont Drive Suite B12 Columbus, Ohio 43235
Cleveland Office: 5005 Rockside road, Suite 600 Independence, Ohio 44131
After becoming a licensed foster parent, the State of Ohio has specific requirements that need to be met in order to maintain your foster care license.
Traditional Foster Parents are required to complete 40 hours of continuing training every two years, and Treatment Foster Homes are required to complete 60 hours of continuing training every two years. Foster parents may complete 1/3 of these hours through online training or books and/or video training. The remainder of continuing training hours must be obtained through a classroom setting with an instructor present.
Kids Count Too provides monthly continuing training. Our agency also provides child care during most of our continuing training as we understand how difficult it may be to find someone to care for foster children during this time. Our training topics are selected by determining the needs of our foster parents at the current time. This information is gathered from the Foster Parent Training Needs Assessment forms, which are completed upon foster parent re-certification every two years. Foster parents may choose to attend outside training at other facilities with the approval of Kids Count Too's Licensing Department.
Kids Count Too provides applicants with 36 hours of in-person preservice training. These trainings are intended to prepare prospective foster parents for their future role in dealing with behaviors and situations that might arise during their experience as foster caregivers. The following training topics will be covered during preservice training:
Business Hours: Mon -Fri: 9 am -5pm | Sat - Sun: Closed
Cleveland Office
Crown Centre Building 5005 Rockside road, Suite 600 Independence, Ohio 44131
Cleveland Office: 216-573-3705